“Exhausted” Doesn’t Even Begin to Cover it.

I thought weekends were about rest and relaxation? If that’s the case, then can someone please explain to me why the hell I’m more exhausted tonight than I am on a Friday after a week of work? I’m pooped, and like the title of tonight’s post says, “exhausted” doesn’t even begin to cover it. Allow me to recreate my weekend for you:


Woke up at 7:30 and went to class at 8:00. Took it easy again. I showered up afterwards and took a solid 3 hour nap. I woke up around 2, ran to Old Navy to pick up a few fall clothing items. Then I headed to Davis to hang out with a few friends/old college roommate and celebrate a friend’s belated birthday. It was a good time but I didn’t get back to Sacramento until 1am. I’d stopped drinking around 9 so the fun had definitely worn off by 10, but alas, the person I got a ride from wasn’t ready to leave until 12:30. I didn’t get to bed until 1:30.


Talk about an ass kicking. I was going to try and get in a double today, but then I decided sleeping in was more important (because duh). I woke up around 9:30, got up, got dressed, got Starbucks, ended up running into a friend of mine. He and I chit-chatted for a bit then I went on my merry way to run my errands. I spent a solid 2 hours at Target, the Dollar Tree, BevMo, and a local wine store, TotalWines. I spent a bunch of cash but it was all on necessities. Yes, even the wine was necessary because I’m hosting this month’s wine club and I had to purchase bottles. I got home, put everything away, did 3 loads of laundry, scrubbed the bathroom from floor to ceiling, dusted and swept the house, did the dishes and put them away. And juuuust when I was ready to take a nap, it was time to go to yoga. I wasn’t gonna go actually, but a phone call from my dad and a gentle kick in the ass from him was pretty much all it took for me to get my ass out the door.

Today’s class was hard. So hard. Julie taught. I used to like Julie, but now I kinda view her as a posture Nazi- she spends so much time calling people out on their form, which I guess is good, but it kinda irritates me when we’re all stuck in the pose while people are trying to figure it out. Anyway, Julie didn’t open the door at all today and I reeeeeally felt it. Today’s class was super hot, although I’m pretty sure it was because I hadn’t hydrated. I mean, when the hell would I have found time between errands, laundry, scrubbing, dusting and sweeping? I sat out a lot of postures, which made me feel like shit, but is worth it in order to get my knee back in shape. Speaking of which, my knee is feeling a lot better and the active rest days have definitely helped. Still, I’m avoiding poses that require me to put much pressure on my knees, mainly bow pose, fixed firm, camel, and rabbit.

If I’m being completely honest, I am not loving yoga right now. It’s hurt my knee, every class feels hotter than the last, I don’t feel calmer or better rested; in fact, I feel pretty frustrated with the entire ordeal. I’m not sure if I’m trying too hard or not trying hard enough. I keep thinking back to last year’s challenge and how far I came and I keep comparing myself to how I used to be. To be fair, I took two weeks off and am just now coming back to my practice so my body is probably just getting used to things again. I’m not hydrating as much as I need to be which is making things more difficult, and whenever it’s time to go to class, I find myself dreading it because of all the challenges. I know I just need to relax and calm myself down and quit worrying about where I was and where I want to be, and just focus on where I’m at now, but it’s proving difficult, and that’s making me really frustrated.

Speaking of frustrated: I’m trying to cook soup right now and I forgot a damn ingredient. Now I have to go back to the store to get crushed tomatoes (after having gone to the store already after class). And of course when I went to go to my car, I found that my neighbors truck was blocking my driveway. For real, guys? I just want a bowl of soup and to go to bed. Is that so much to ask?!

This post doesn’t get a ‘namaste’.


After this post was first published, I went to the store, got my crushed tomatoes, and now I’m better,  but still pretty annoyed. One accomplishment to be celebrated though: this is the most amount of consecutive days of yoga I’ve ever done. Most I’ve done in a row was 4, and today I completed my 6th consecutive class. Perhaps that’s why I’m so tired and slightly over yoga right now? I think I need a day off (after Tuesday of course) or to switch things up. Maybe I’ll go for a run tomorrow morning before work.

Also, I do have have to say that despite all my complaining, I’m very fortunate to have such an amazing support network. Yesterday Tish sent me a text message telling me to stay strong last night (she knows I’ve been trying to cut back on my alcohol intake, and I managed to have a few drinks last night without overindulging). Then yesterday I was talking to my pops about his marathon, which he finished in 3:47! That’s only 7 minutes off from the time he needed to qualify for Boston (it’s cool though- he’s already qualified and going). When I told him that I was proud of him, he told me that he was equally proud of me for all my accomplishments. AND! I just got a heartwarming Snapchat from my best friend in Fresno who I haven’t seen in a while but who I’m going to get to see this weekend when I go home to visit. It’s hard to complain when you’ve got such awesome friends and family!




  1. Just remember, if it were easy, everyone would be doing it! It’s called a “CHALLENGE” for a reason 🙂 You are are doing great things -keep it up!

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