Gym Therapy

Quick post today as I’ve got friends due any minute and a whole night of wine drinking and laughter ahead of me!

I went to my trainer’s today and it was such a great workout! The exercises were pretty standard and I’m pretty used to most of them by now. However, it was the chatting with my trainer that made the work out so great.

My trainer, Bobby, is a pretty cool guy- the uncle of an old co-worker and great-uncle to a few of my really good friends. He’s a tough old bird and doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to telling you like it is. He’ll call you out on your nonsense and instead of making you feel guilty for not being as “good” as you should have been, he asks what you can do differently and how he can help.

He’s also very soulful and philosophical and it’s probably the only time I really get to talk about philosophy, other than wine club or when I insert something into a conversation at work. Today we talked about my [other] therapist and he too encouraged me to keep seeing her and to also continue my blog.

He’s aware of my history with weight loss and dieting and he understands the psychological barriers that I face and he’s been great about helping me to over come them.

We talked a lot about existentialism today and he flat out told me “you’re going this alone.” And he’s absolutely right. I have a huge support network and I can always turn to them if I ever need anything, even financial assistance if absolutely necessary. But at the end of the day, it’s me and only me going at this thing. Even my trainer can’t do the work for me. And while I already knew this, it helped to hear this idea reiterated because as I explore my history with weight loss, it’s important to not try and place blame.

Sure, my relationship with my weight and weight loss was absolutely shaped by my parents. And while I need to address those issues and truly understand them before I can move forward, the fact remains that I’m an independent adult with control over my actions. I choose what I eat, when I eat it, whether or not I exercise and how often I exercise.

And I think it’s important to remember that my success or failure is 100% the product of the effort that I put into the process.


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