Running Against the Wind

In case you weren’t aware, I enjoy using song lyrics in my blog posts. Today, I finally got to quote some Bob Seger!

This morning marked the official start of my new running training program, and what a start it was! Keep in mind I’m no runner. Never have been. I’m a yogi/cyclist. Why cycling? Well, because you get to sit down when you do it. Running has never been particularly enjoyable for me. It brings to mind visions of me in my youth running around a track, running up and down a soccer field, or running around the bases in softball, all while sucking wind, panting with exhaustion and lamenting the pain in my heels and arches (yes, my arch pain is something I’ve dealt with for years). So you can imagine my hesitation when I was deciding whether or not to embark on running as an activity.

But for a non-runner, running is kind of the center of my life. I’ve mentioned before, my dad is a runner and it was his running adventures that consumed my life (and that of my family) for the past 22 years or so. I can remember being 5 years old, riding my pink bike with training wheels through Woodward Park while my dad ran next to me. He pushed me up more hills than I care to remember. Since those early years I’ve attended enough races, marathons, half-marathons, and training sessions to know the basics of running. The runners he’s met over the years have become like family members and we’ve endured countless ups and downs over the years. And I’ve learned a lot from these folks: training techniques, pacing strategies, healthful eating tips, ways to avoid injuries and ways to deal with injuries incurred. For a non-runner, I’m pretty savvy when it comes to running.

So today I started my training. It was a short work-out, only 20 minutes. We drove to Woodward Park, took our dog, Beau, and walked into the park. We started with a brisk 5 minute walk, during which I reminded my dad that I was the one setting the pace, not him (runners have a tendency to fall into old habits/paces). After the warm-up period we started our intervals. We alternated 20 seconds of jogging with 40 seconds of running. Like I said, slow and easy: a perfect way to start out. I felt pretty good for most of the work-out, though I was out of breath for most of it. What can I say? Yoga isn’t good for cardio. We only worked out for about 20 minutes but managed to cover about 2 miles.

As far as aches and pains go (Complaining about aches and pains already? I’m well on my way to becoming a runner. Show me a runner who doesn’t complain about his pains, and I’ll show you 50 that do.) My shins were a little sore during the walking and running, and my Achilles Tendon was a bit sore. My quads were aching during the run and they’re pretty sore right now, which is comical. Happily enough though my arches didn’t hurt one bit, and I chalk that up to my new running shoes and specially designed inserts. Yes, I made a trip to Fleet Feet in Sacramento and made the steep investment in a good pair of Brooks shoes and some good orthopedic inserts. I got my feetsies measured and was properly fitted to the right shoe. What a difference it makes! Unlike yoga, I didn’t even notice my arches until the end of the work-out when I realized they hadn’t hurt once.

Overall I’d say Day 1 was a success. The weather was cool and I had a good, knowledgeable coach to guide me through the process. I’m not gonna lie though, I didn’t want to get out of bed. My dad’s house has no blankies and I slept with the window open and a sweatshirt on such that I was nice and warm and cozy. Luckily though my dad pried my ass out of bed and made me get out to the park. If this is a small glimpse of what running in the winter is like, then I smell trouble already. I’m an avid sleeper and and even more avid snuggler, especially when I’m warm and cozy in my bed.

My next training day is Tuesday, and I’m scheduled to do the same work-out again, hopefully this time with Tish. Also, it’s supposed to rain on Tuesday so I’ll get to run in the rain (which is pretty much my favorite). Here’s to hoping for a rain induced runners high!

The End. (Because I can’t say Namaste and haven’t thought of a running equivalent).

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