A Disappointing Session

Alright so I needed to write about how shitty today’s session was.

First off, I didn’t want to go today. And I mean I REALLY didn’t want to go. But I skipped yesterday and I knew I needed to go today. So I woke up after sleeping for a good ten hours, had breakfast, drank a shit ton of water, had lunch, had even more water and watched trashy television. And by trashy television I mean that I spent several hours watching Toddlers and Tiaras and My Teenager is Pregnant and So Am I. America at its finest, clearly. 

So I pulled my ass off the couch after having the longest debate with myself about whether or not I should actually go, and got dressed. I drove to yoga, found my spot on the floor and laid in Savanna until class began. And even though I was hydrated and present, the session still sucked.

For some reason, it was hotter than normal. I pretty much guzzled my water (which I never do) and had to sit down in several of the poses (which I also rarely do). I felt like I was going to pass out several times and even contemplated leaving early. I didn’t, but then I thought “maybe if I just stepped outside of the room and sat down outside, it’d be okay.” Again, I didn’t. Maybe it was just because I was too lazy to actually stand up and walk outside. Either way, I stayed in the room the entire time, which is pretty much the biggest battle in Bikram.

When the session was over, I went to the locker room to change. I overheard from several other women that it seemed that the session was especially hot. That made me pretty damn happy to know that I wasn’t the only one who struggled. Apparently Guillermo (the instructor) is one of the only teachers who doesn’t open the door occasionally during the session to let some cool air in and some hot air out. Which pretty much explains it all. 

Either way, the day sucked and I was looking forward to going to Selena’s to have dinner and catch up with old high school friends. So I got home and as soon as I walked through the front door, I smelled it. Someone had baked and it smelled delicious in my apartment. I walked to the kitchen to refill my water bottle and right on the counter sat  a big, beautiful plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. 

Pretty much my kryptonite. And I thought to myself “I’ll just go upstairs, take a shower, get dressed, eat a peach, and go to Selena’s.” No dice. I had two cookies and chugged milk from the carton. And it was glorious. And I don’t regret it. Because I worked my ass off today (sorta) and haven’t had a delicious cooking in an incredibly long time.

So even though yoga sucked today, I had a little pick me up afterwards. And now, as I write this blog on Selena’s bed on her Macbook, I’ve got a glass of wine to look forward to and good friends to converse with. And that pretty much trumps any yoga session, good or bad.


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