More Cleaning Adventures

So after learning that I may have several guests this weekend, my desire to really get this place in shape took over and I cleaned all night again. I organized the bar (perhaps the most important thing in a home) and continued to organize the kitchen. I de-cluttered the fireplace and put a few candles on the hearth, though it still needs a lot of work. I moved the pans around, organized the tupperware (I deserve a medal for that one, seriously- everyone knows what a pain tupperware can be!) and I fixed a drawer that hadn’t closed properly in months (turns out a piece of tupperware had fallen behind the drawer, forcing it to stay open.).

Sadly, I don’t have pictures of a before and after from any of these things, because it didn’t dawn on me until after I’d cleaned. I will post pictures of the finished products though…eventually. Overall though things are going well so far. I’d also like to add that I spent a good hour and a half cleaning the kitchen area at the office today, re-organizing the drawers, cleaning up crumbs, washing out the coffee pot and organizing utensils. Because I’m awesome. And clearly suffer from some form of OCD.

Tomorrow’s To-Do List: The Upstairs Bathroom!

I will be cleaning out the medicine cabinet, which contains about 15 toothbrushes (none of which are mine), sweeping and mopping the floors, cleaning the counter and sink, cleaning the toilet, taking out the trash, cleaning out the drawers and under the sink, and finally- scrubbing the shower which is caked with mold, mildew and soap scum.

Anyway, keep reading, look for pics of this place and feel free to send me words of encouragement because I’m definitely going to need them in the coming weeks!


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